Saturday, July 01, 2006

Day Three

Day three at the Outrigger on the Beach at Salt. I finally met the GM of the hotel in the lobby. I just happened to be in my wet suit holding my surfboard that my contact arranged for me. Great timing. I explained how I was ahead of schedule, blah, blah, blah, he smiled and was fine with it. Went surfing for a couple hours and got a nasty bump on my nose from when my board smacked me. It was my second time surfing. Stood up for exactly one second. Wahoo! I also managed to catch a few waves while lying on the board. I’ve heard it’s the most difficult sport to learn, I believe it. But the whole point of surfing is to relax and have fun, and I did. My whole body aches, God bless Advil. I think I’d like to live somewhere where I could surf every day. Australia? Got to get used to walking down the halls on the left side, I keep running into people.


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