Rain Man

Pinky Brown is on holidays. Brown Pinky went down south for some fun? Okay enough of that. For those of you who have a dart board with my face on it for being in sunny Australia you’ll be glad to know that the weather her is biblical. It’s raining sideways and is supposed to be that way for the rest of my shoot. Great. It can’t rain for another three days straight, or can it? It’s not supposed to rain like this at this time of year I’ve been told numerous times with a smile. It was raining most of the time in Germany and Zurich. Maybe they should send me to some drought ridden place in Africa and make me a rain god? Finally figured out the time zone difference. It’s eight hours later in Vancouver minus a day. I’m getting a headache. Also, it is winter. The sun rises around 6:30am, today I went for a swin in their outdoor heated pool with an occasional rain shower. Nice. Sun sets very early. It’s black by 5:15pm ...Rain man from the future, over and out.
you can still surf in the rain, right ?...
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