Marylenbone High Street in London Town

I caught something on the plane. Nine hours of recyled air. This combined with the time-zone change, jet lag and work has me a little spaced out. It didn’t stop me though from finding a pub upon arrival and having a Guiness. I’ve already gone to an Indian restaurant and on another night I had a steak and ale pie with a pint (of course) at another pub. My hotel, Hyatt the Churchill, is in the fashionable West End close to the Marble Arch tubes station. Madonna lives a block away. People sure do walk quickly here.
“Do you like cheese?” my hotel contact asks. She must be a mind reader. She drew me a map to a place called “La Fromagerie” on Moxon street just off of the trendy Marylenbone High Street. It was closed the first time. Second time was the charm. I have some stinky cheese smelling up my bar fridge at the moment.
I’m not very happy with my work at the moment. It’s not perfect. I’m trying. I’m kind of cranky so I guess I’ll sleep on it.
It’s Friday tomorrow and the last day of this shoot so my contact has invited me to join her and some co-workers for an afterwork pint. I’ve always admired how people from the UK all go out for a quick one after work to let their hair down, vent, and socialize with cheer. I wish Canadians were more like this!
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