A Week in the South

The other day I had a nice long ride through the sunny South. I started in the Florida pan-handle and drove north through some country roads in Alabama and ended up in Atlanta.
For breakfast I stopped at Sherry’s Lunch Box in Milton Florida and had a catfish po’boy sandwich with a side of tomatoes. The other day I picked up a can of Cajun boiled peanuts and had some of those today. You have to drain the liquid out of the can and eat them out of the shell. The peanuts are soft. They are kind of bizarre but kind of good.
A few days ago I fired a .44 magnum. Good times. The recoil wasn’t as bad as I thought but my hand was a bit sore afterwards. Gun ranges are an easy find in Georgia and I noticed that they have a ladies night here too. I was told that Georgia is the easiest state to get a weapon. I have always found Atlanta to have an edgy vibe to it. The gun rental was cheap but the ammo is kind of expensive. Twenty-five bucks for 100 rounds.
I went to one of those Japanese steakhouse places while I was in Montgomery, Alabama. The locals were amazed that I could eat with chopsticks. The girl next to me was really grossed out by her California rolls. I ordered a pot of Japanese tea and drank all three cups of it. I could not sleep a wink that night. I guess it has caffeine?
Here’s another food story. Atlanta has a Trader Vic’s restaurant. He’s the guy who invented the Mai Tai. It’s a Polynesian themed restaurant filled with bamboo, rattan, and of course a Tiki bar. I’ve had a drink there before but never had the food until a few days ago. They have a Chinese style clay oven that slow roasts and smokes the meat. I've had the duck and the lamb. Amazing.
I have some worthy motivations to get me through my twenty-third work day in a row. Meet me there tomorrow night if you can! I’m going to try a zombie. How appropriate. I kind of feel like one. (my grammar is alternating between past, present, and future tense if you've noticed)
Oh yeah, somebody on this trip got my personal visa credit card info. Somebody tried to buy $9000 worth of booze from a liquor store in Malaysia. How rude. The could of at least invited me to the party.
I went to a driving range in Raleigh, North Carolina. All the rental clubs were brand new demos. Any club you wanted to try for $5. I was using the new Taylor Made Burner. Incredible. I was almost hitting the driving range fence with it.
Not a bad week.
By the end of this week I’ll have been in nine states in less than a month. Off to Vegas soon.
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