Sweet Home Vancouver
I'm done. And not a day too soon. College football plus the Army plus Jesus equals Alabama. I'm looking forward to leaving this nuthouse although don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the work and the experience, and the fact that I don't live here.
I was photographing the breakfast area of the Ramada Inn here in Montgomery and noticed a display of home-baked cakes. "What's that one?" I asked the hotel manager. "You've never had Red Velvet?" No. She cut me a slice of the bright red cake. "What makes it so red?" I asked, "raspberries?" No. Red food colouring. "Mmmmm ... this is really good" I lied. Stale, bland and sweet. "This will keep me going" I said. If I don't get diabetes from all the sugar.
I decided to do laundry. I got some liquid detergent from the front desk. I got back to my room and placed it ontop of my tv where it slid off and spilled all over the rug and left a blue explosion on the wall. I tried my best to clean it up but this hotel is such a dump they probably won't notice. I left them a five buck tip to smooth things over.
I think I'm going to stay in for my last night. That Alabama accent can be really grating on your nerves when you are tired. All in all I was lucky to have such a smooth trip.