Saturday, March 19, 2016

The History of Animation

Here’s an assignment that I just completed for the History of Animation at Vancouver Film School for their 3D Animation and Visual Effects Diploma program. The instructor is Keith Blackmore. He asked us to draw a caricature of him on a sheet of animation paper as one of our assignments. I thought he was joking. “I can’t draw” I told one of my classmates. It’s true. I draw the same way that I did when I was eight. I’ve never grown beyond that in my drawing abilities. Maybe that’s a good thing?

From the first ever animated film, “Humorous Phases of Funny Faces” (1906) to barnyards full of Disney’s talking animals, and to infinity and beyond, animation has always been an innovative, political, creative, and relevant art form. Not just for kids. Not even for kids. Kids were not meant to watch most of these!

(Double-Click on the image to make it larger)