Dean Hannas Boutique Photography - Coming Soon!

I haven’t added anything to my blog in awhile because I’ve been eyeballs deep in the Langara Self-Employment Program. It’s been fantastic! Great instructors. Great course. I'm taking about three months of classes in order to develop a business plan and then in the new year I’m off and running. I’m starting a new business in the new year called Dean Hannas Boutique Photography. It’s a commercial photography business that specializes in celebrating the experience of using artisian or gourmet businesses. "Celebrating your vision" is what I'm printing on the business cards. I’m going to focus on the BC wine industry for starters. The idea is to combine food and beverage photography, architectural photography, and portrait photography into a unified whole. Each business is unique so the visual approach to each business will be different.
I know you're saying, enough of the sales pitch already Deano. But the service part is even more important to me. In the past six years I’ve been lucky enough to photograph over 500 hotels around the world. One of the things that I’ve enjoyed the most from Kuwait to Beijing is leaving clients with a smile.
I’ve decided to dump my previous business name Arcana Images that I’ve had for more than fifteen years and start fresh. I’m in the process of “re-branding” so my new website should be up shortly in the new year. Stay tuned.
Below is a sneak peak of some of the images I’m contemplating in using on my new site.
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